Hi! All,
Today we were discussing about the essential traits and processes which make a salesperson successful. While working on what we could do to catch the attention of our relationship managers, I re-created an acronym, and took one from Zig Ziglar... 'SUPER' and 'SALES'.
SUPER is about the key processes that a sales person needs to keep in mind that would make the person successful. The SALES traits mentioned later are to be demonstrated whilst these keys processes are carried out...
S: Have a Systematic approach to sales; plan out your funnel and the target.
U: Update yourself with CPAC - Company Information, Product Information, Advantages & Benefits, and Information on Competition
P: Prepare yourself
E: Engage your customers
R: Review your performance regularly & rigorously
SALES is about attribute as per Zig Ziglar...
S: Sell to Help. Always put the others needs first. To paraphrase Zig Ziglar: If you help your prospects get what they want, you can get more of what you want out of life. People can usually sense a salesperson just out for a commission. It either comes out before or after the sale. If you are looking for the benefits of long term relationships, like repeat and referral business, Selling to help is a must. Transactional salespeople don't last long term. How aware of your prospects needs and wants are you? How well do you match your product or service to fill those needs of wants?
A: Attitude. That is Positive Attitude as opposed to 'Having an Attitude'. Attitude is what drives behavior. A positive attitude leads you to thinking about your potential for success, as opposed to what could go wrong or why something won't work. Remember -Your thoughts are the one thing in this world that you have complete control over. And your thoughts lead to your actions which lead to your results or the success that you want. So you are in complete control over the level of success you achieve. How is your attitude in general? Is your sales attitude getting you the success that you want?
L: Likeable. People want to do business with people they like. Like leads to trust. Friendly leads to easy to do business with. Friendly is showing an interest in others. When you do that, people feel liked. If a prospect likes you and trusts you, then they MAY do business with you. Otherwise you have very little chance of earning a sale. Are you likeable to everyone, all of the time?
E: Enthusiastic. Passionate. People want to see enthusiasm. Being enthusiastic about what you do makes it easier for your prospect to buy "you". Enthusiastic and passionate makes it easier for a prospect to like you. People will buy more from your enthusiasm and conviction. These are all foundational to relationships and sales. Enthusiasm can be transferred to a prospect which increases your chances for a sale. But remember that it needs to be real. How enthusiastic are you every day? What can you do to refresh your enthusiasm?
S: Smart (Knowledgeable). Knowledgeable leads to trust. It leads to competence and confidence. People want to do business with confident competent people. Know all you can about your product or service and its possible outcomes in terms of your prospects needs, wants, concerns, or issues. Know all that you can about building relationships and influence. It is then that you can deal from a position of resource and advisor. That's a good place to be. What can you learn to be more valuable to your prospects and clients?
The over-riding attribute is 'Authentic'. One need to be who one is. None of this can be faked. One will always be more effective when a person is oneself as opposed to trying to imitate someone else or to use a "technique". Authenticity is using our natural talents for the right reasons and in the right way.
Happy Rading!
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